COVID-19 Safety Plan

for Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins

In-Person Auditions

A staff member will be present in the parking lot to check in auditionees as they arrive. The auditions will take place in the mainstage theatre, with auditionees waiting in their vehicles until directed to enter the building by the staff member. Auditionees will enter and exit the building through the loading dock doors on a “one in, one out” basis. These doors will be kept open throughout the afternoon and the building’s air conditioning will be kept running to maintain a positive pressure environment.

Masks will be required for auditionees and staff at all times, including during the audition. All interactions will be physically distanced. Disposable masks, bottled water, and hand sanitizer will be available. To cut down on the time spent waiting, please arrive no more than 10 minutes before your scheduled audition time. Bathrooms will be made available only on an emergency basis.

If you wish to avoid an in-person audition following these guidelines, please email to arrange for a remote audition. No explanation is required; we want all auditionees to have an opportunity to participate in the way that is best for themselves and their family.

Rehearsals & Performances

The initial part of the rehearsal process will be conducted through Zoom. We plan to transition to in-person rehearsal at the beginning of October with performances in November. We will be able to ensure our cast, crew, and audience maintains physical distance and avoids enclosed spaces by embracing a radical new use of our physical location that we’re calling “Parking Lot Theatre.”

Our design vision for Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins seeks to find a middle ground in transitioning back to in-person performances by staging the play in the parking lot of our home, The Historic Y. The audience will be required to wear masks, and will be seated by household group throughout the parking lot with at least an eight foot distance between each group of seats. We plan to use the indoor theatre space to create appropriately spaced prep areas for each actor and require masks to be worn while indoors.