Picture by Tim Fuller

Picture by Tim Fuller

Available Roles for Scamps

Hershel and the HANUKKAH Goblins
November 7-November 29, 2020
Based on the book by Eric A Kimmel
Directed by Holly Griffith & lEORA SAPON-SHEVIN

Seeking up to 6 ENSEMBLE MEMBERS of ages 7-18 ready to move, create and imagine!

We will be casting from all genders and ethnicities.
BIPOC actors are welcome and encouraged to audition.

All actors will receive an honorarium.

SCAMP Auditions

The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre will hold open auditions for actors age 7-18 for the 2020–2021 season on Sunday, June 28th from 1pm-5pm.

A separate audition for adults will be scheduled for July. Please join our mailing list for updates.

Socially distanced rehearsals will start in August and the production will run for the month of November


Your child will have two options for auditioning this year. You can sign up for an in-person, socially distanced audition at our theater, or as an alternative, a Zoom audition.  We welcome the Zoom option if in-person is not a good fit for your family.

For the auditions we want to get a sense of your child's comfort with play and performance through a relaxed and fun audition process.   Although our games are interactive, we will be observing social distance guidelines throughout the audition without physical contact.

Curious about our how we will conduct auditions and rehearsals respective to COVID-19 safety procedures? Read more here.


Come prepared to do the following:

1) Imagine you're a goblin. Be specific! How do you move your body as this goblin? What sounds do you make? How do you sound when you speak? Do you have a name? We will guide you through some prompts while you are in character.

2) Sing 30 seconds of a song of your choosing acapella. Any song is fine--Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Happy Birthday are great choices. Don't worry about sounding perfect, we just want to hear your voice. 

Directions & PARKING

Doors to the theater are located off the back parking lot of the Historic Y. The Parking lot is accessible off of 5th Avenue. 

  • If biking, S&S offers a bike rack next to the doors off of 5th Avenue.

  • If taking the streetcar, disembark at the 4th Ave/4th-5th Street stop. (Stop 13)

  • If driving, we offer parking off 5th Avenue.

Callback Information

Callback dates and times will be announced at a later time.